About D2D Cure

Design, Build, Test, Learn

The Design2Data Program involves students in an investigation of the sequence-structure-function relationship of proteins. Using the lens of protein biochemistry, students expand their knowledge and develop skills by engaging in a research workflow representative of cutting-edge biotechnology training in high demand by employers.

A feature that makes D2D unique among other multi-institutional protein biochemistry CUREs is its connection to the protein modeling research community, RosettaCommons, which uses the student-generated data to improve functionally predictive enzyme-design algorithms.

Large, uniformly obtained measurements of biophysical properties covering a broad and diverse sequence space across a wide range of enzymes are needed to truly begin utilizing the power of modern computational tools for creating predictive models of enzyme function.

Meet Our Enzymes

β-glucosidase B (BglB)

2020 –

Structure of BglB.

Paenibacillus polymyxa
2JIE 2O9P 2O9R 2O9T 2Z1S

51,573 Da
113,330 m−1 cm−1

View sequence

β-glucosidase B (BglB, lovingly called “Bagel B” by our teams) is an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of glucose monosacharides from larger molecules at a β-glycosidic linkage. It is an essential enzyme for the degradation of cellulose by bacteria and fungi.

Our computational designs and kinetic measurements will utilize para-nitrophenyl-β-d-glucopyranose (pNPG) as a colorimetric reporter substrate.

Next Enzyme

Our next enzyme system is coming soon.

Stay tuned!
Click here to see a list of publications related to D2D projects.